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Sociology students received an award for their project in TEDU Sustainable Campus Projects Competition Award Ceremony

TEDÜ Sürdürülebilir Kampüs Projeleri Yarışması Ödül Töreni Sociology students received an award for their project in TEDU Sustainable Campus Projects Competition Award Ceremony

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The Award Ceremony of the Sustainable Campus Projects Competition, which was organized to involve all members of TEDU in its sustainability efforts, to collect ideas for a sustainable campus and to achieve the main goal of "Sustainable TEDU" by implementing these ideas in the process, was held on April 27, 2023. 

In the Sustainable Campus Projects Competition, the project named "RepairTEDU" by Dr. Gülçin Con Wright, and the senior year students Ebru Ezik and Beril Ceyhan from TEDU Department of Sociology, received the first place award. This project aims to bring together people with items to be repaired and those with certain repair skills, in a common place; thus it aims to provide an environment suitable for increasing the culture of responsible and sustainable consumption and repair, and reducing excessive consumption and waste.

We congratulate all the teams and the students of our department and wish them continued success!

TEDÜ Sürdürülebilir Kampüs Projeleri Yarışması Ödül Töreninde Sosyoloji Öğrencileri Ödül Aldı