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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning:

In light of TED University’s student-centered, participatory and active learning approach, TEDU Sociology Department aims to train sociologists capable of producing the sociological knowledge that the modern world and Turkey need and require. Through the department’s interdisciplinary approach, it is aimed that our students will acquire an analytical, empirical, and comparative perspective which would help them make sense of the social world and its complicated dynamics. Our teaching and learning program has been shaped by these goals.

The courses in the sociology curriculum can be grouped into three categories. In the first group, there are the common core courses which reflect TEDU’s liberal arts approach. These courses do not only enable our students to develop a broad perspective on the world, but also provide them with the opportunity to develop a solid foundation in basic science and academic skills.

The second group consists of courses focusing on theory and methods which form the foundation of sociology. Starting in the second year, with the courses on classical sociology theories and research methods, our students are equipped with the tools of theory and methodology to understand the society. In the fourth year, with the two semester-long ‘research project and seminar’ courses, our students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge they acquired to carry out a research project of their own under the supervision of a faculty member.

In the third group, there are a wide range of elective courses examinınıng a wide variety of issues such as gender, education, globalization, politics, religion, health, urbanization, sexuality, culture, secularization, everyday life, and social inequality. With these departmental elective courses that they can take from the second year onwards, our students have the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge to concentrate on any sub-areas of sociology of their interest.