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Dr. Jared Matthew Wright's Book Chapter Titled "The Future of QAnon: Emergent Patterns of Social Movement Adaptation and Change"

Dr. Jared Matthew Wright's Book Chapter Titled The Future of QAnon: Emergent Patterns of Social Movement Adaptation and Change

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Dr. Jared M. Wright's book chapter, co-authored with Dr. Stuart A. Wright, titled "The Future of QAnon: Emergent Patterns of Social Movement Adaptation and Change" was published in the Cambridge University Press book "The Social Science of QAnon".

Chick here for the chapter summary. 


Drawing on the themes of the previous chapters, this chapter considers the future of QAnon. It examines evidence of new and ongoing developments in the QAnon movement following the electoral loss of President Trump. QAnon has shown a particular ability to re-invent itself in the face of failed predictions, “frame bridging” or brokering ties with existing social networks and movements including lifestyle and wellness communities, anti-vaxxers, deep state conspiracists, radical religious right factions, Patriot and militia movement actors, and other conspiracy-minded groups. As such, QAnon has evolved and become a movement with a life of its own, independent of Trump. While Trump embraced conspiracy theories promulgated by QAnon such as the existence of a “deep state” intent on sabotaging the president’s policies, the range of conspiratorial ideas expand well beyond his administration. Herein, we explore indications of post-Trump era trajectories of QAnon from a social movement perspective, examining preliminary evidence of movement adaptation and change to shifting political conditions. These conditions include the political pressure exerted on major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to tamp down on misinformation freely circulated by QAnon followers, the election of Joe Biden and the transition to a new administration in the White House, the emergence of a QAnon religion, and the spreading influence of QAnon abroad, adapted and revised for different political environments.


QAnon, Social Movement Adaptation, New Religious Movement, Global Diffusion, Frame Bridging, Deplatforming, Alt-tech, Alternative Social Media Ecologies